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    Stats are a measure of you characters natural abilities. You spend your points on the 9 determined stats.

            Determined Stats:
            Intelligence (INT)
            Reflexes (REF)
            Technical Ability (TECH)
            Cool (CL)
            Attractiveness (ATTR)
            Luck (LK)
            Movement Allowance (MA)
            Body Type (BT)
            Empathy (EMP)

    No determined stat can be below 2 or above 10 without cybernetic modification. The other stats are derivative, and are based on the value of determined stats.

            Derivative Stats:
            Body Type Modifier (BTM)
            Save Number

    You can find each derivative stat and how to calculate them within the section of the determined stat they are associated with.

Intelligence (INT)

    A representation of your problem solving skills and ability to recall knowledge. Also can play a part in noticing things.


  • Netrunners
  • Corpos

Reflexes (REF)

    This is a combination of dexterity and physical coordination. Think of how nimble you are, as well as how fast you can draw your iron. The slash in on the character sheet indicated your current REF stat and your base stat. Armor tends to lower your REF and drug can temporarily increase it. Put your current stat value to the left of the slash, put the base value to the right. During character creation, both are likely to be the same unless you get armor.


  • Solos
  • Nomads
  • Rockerboys

Technical Ability (TECH)

    Not just your knowledge, but your ability to use and/or repair technology within the world. Any time you would repair something tech related or when you come across unfamiliar tech, you'll use this.


  • Techies

Cool (CL)

    Represent how calm and collect you remain under pressure. From resisting torture to fighting while wounded, you've got to remain cool. Outside of combat, it will show as how tough or put together you are. Helps for negotiating and talking with unstable folk.


  • Solos
  • Nomads
  • Rockerboys
  • Fixers

Attractiveness (ATTR)

    Your attitude, your style, your face. How you looks is just as important in this superficial world as how good you are.


  • Medias
  • Rockerboys

Luck (LK)

    A representation of the cosmos. The world pulling the string around you either for your advantage, or downfall if you are unlucky. When you are preparing to roll, before you roll, you may declare that you are going to use luck. You may add as many points of luck from this stat to the result of the dice, so long as you have luck left to spare. You're luck regenerates at the beginning of each play session.

Movement Allowance (MA)

    How fast you can run. The higher the stat, the further you can move in a turn.

    Run: MA multiplied by 3 equals how far a character can run in meters. Multiply this number by 3 to get how far a character can run in a full 10 second sprint.

    Leap: Run divided by 4 equals how far your character can leap from a sprint.

Body Type (BT)

    Your characters physical characteristics. Strength and endurance wrapped into one. Will determine how much damage you dish out with physical attacks/weapons, and how many wounds you can take before dying. It will also dictate how fast you recover from things such as shock.

Body Types & Points
2 pts Very Weak
3 - 4 pts Weak
5 - 7 pts Average
8 - 9 pts Strong
10 pts Very Strong

Body Type Modifier (BTM)

    Reduced the effect of damage to the body. Your BTM lowers the amount of damage your character takes.

Body Type Modifier Table
Very Weak -0
Weak -1
Average -2
Strong -3
Very Strong -4
Superhuman -5

Save Number

    Your Save is the same as your BTM. To learn more about what saves are for, check here.

Empathy (EMP)

    This is how well you connect to others, and how in touch with humanity you still are. You'll need empathy for charming and persuading others. Like your REF, you can lose empathy so put your current empathy left of the slash and your base empathy to the right. Cybernetics are the most common form of lowering your EMP.


    Multiply your EMP by 10 to determine your humanity value. For every 10 points of humanity lost, your EMP lowers by 1. This will effect your empathy rolls, and can put you into cybernetic-psychosis if it lowers enough.

Life Path

Career & Skills